Baby Bump #3 Week 23


Not sure how often I will be posting on the blog two kids (and a half) in two years will do that to you πŸ™‚ but I wanted to document what I can of this pregnancy like I have in the past.. So here it goes more than halfway through:  

Baby Lee is the size of an eggplant!

I knew I was pregnant this week when: I’ve been wearing maternity clothes exclusively for about a month now but the last few weeks my back has started aching and the dreaded tailbone pain has resurfaced.

How are you feeling? Really great other than the minor back stuff and my tailbone being sore. I am getting tired at the end of each day earlier than usual but we have also been going to the zoo a lot so that definitely has something to do with it πŸ™‚

Maternity Clothes? Yes.

Gender: we decided not to find out this time! It is really so much fun not knowing although I am definitely curious. I can’t wait for the moment when he/she finally debuts and we will know boy or girl but for now, not knowing is half the fun!

Food Cravings? chocolate cupcakes, ice cream, popsicles

Movement? Yes! Gotta love those little jabs

Belly Button in or out? Soon to pop.

Labor Signs? n/a

Anything I miss? Not needing to empty my bladder as much and being more comfortable when I sleep. And my normal clothes. Third time around in these bad boys and I’m ready for my normal wardrobe again.

Best moment this week: Pax and Winna are getting to such a sweet spot in their playtimes together. I just love how they love each other! A lot of the time the rough-housing turns to tears but not as much lately which has been refreshing. I am also thankful to be having nice weather (finally) and to be feeling good during this blessed second trimester!


5 Months of Winna


This month we travelled to Oklahoma and spent time with family, what a sweet time together! Both kiddos were pretty attached to Elliot and I throughout the trip but it was still fun being with everyone.

 Winna started wearing 6-9 month clothes this month and became a bit more dramatic when she was unhappy. She and Pax laughed a lot together and she became a much better sleeper (eating at midnight and again around 5am). Actually she was a pretty awful sleeper the first part of the month but by the end (after doing cry it out a bit) we were all sleeping better!

 This age is so sweet. She is still a chubby, snuggly baby but also a shining little personality that is increasing in independence. We love you, sweet Winna! Each month gets better and better!


4 Months of Winna


This month was spent mostly getting used to our new schedule, hanging out with new friends and cheering on the Thunder. Our sweet girl was dedicated at church this month and also started standing in the exersaucer!

Winna has such a joyful spirit, we are ever thankful for her!

 At her 4 month appointment she weighed 15.4 lbs (83%) and was 25.3 inches long (85%). She is wearing 3-6 month clothes and typically a size 5 diaper because it’s easier for her and Pax to wear the same size πŸ™‚ And hey, the bigger diapers are actually more absorbent! Who knew?


3 Months of Winna


Winna apologizes for the lack of blog posts and has come to the conclusion that she is much too busy to get on the computer every month. It looks like Mom will just have to do the updates from now on. Many apologies.. And most likely more pictures than words πŸ™‚

 This month (March) was our first full month with Elliot in his new position at Sojourn. I am loving the new congregation but this month Winna either spit-up on or blew-out of her outfits EVERY.SUNDAY. People, this was so crazy!! She still, at almost 6 months, carefully chooses Sunday mornings to empty her insides onto her clothes. What are we going to do with this pastor’s child??  πŸ™‚

 Winna was a joy this month and grew a lot wearing 3-6 month clothes.She also got more used to rolling over and she and Pax got more interested in each other.


Two Months of Winna


Winnie birth

Man, month two of life has been a doozy. It started out just about the same as month one. The weather was still cold and my days were spent at home eating, sleeping and being sat on. Then, toward the end of the month a few things happened..
Β Dad officially accepted his new job at church and quit his old one at the cell phone store. How I will get a phone of my own like my brother has, now I do not know.. Anyhow, I could tell this was a very exciting time in the life of my new little family.

After that all went down, we headed to Oklahoma (the best state ever, as I’m told) to spend some time with family and meet lots of new friends. I was pretty perfect on my first twelve hour road trip but my big bro was another story. In his defense, he was pretty sick with what turned out to most likely have been RSV. Three letters that don’t mean much on their own, but when put together become a bit scary for babies like me. PaxΒ was miserably sick for the first few days of the trip and thenΒ the day that he finally felt better, I got the dreaded bug.. I haven’t experienced much, but I can say with certainty that being sick is the worst! I completely lost my little voice and my cries were muted for a few days, not to mention the hacking cough I developed. RSV can be pretty dangerous for little babies but lucky for me, I am a good healthy size and love eating! No way I was getting dehydrated!

After the harrowing tale just mentioned, we made it home to Louisville and my health greatly improved. Now bring on Spring! I’ve heard that aside from the allergies, it is lovely.


At my two month check-up I weighed 11 lbs. 7 oz (67th %) and was 23 in. long (77th%). At this same check-up I rolled over and held my head up like a champ! The pediatrician was very impressed. I am still wearing my 0-3 month clothes and size 2 diapers.

Monthly Pax Minute: We saw that Pax does not do well when feeling ill (bless his heart). He was miserable for a solid week and was unable to fully enjoy his trip to Oklahoma. In other news, he has been talking a lot and smiles and laughs when you understand what he is saying. He requests to hold me for about ten seconds every day and after giving me a kiss hello, pushes me away and says, “all done.” I guess that small dose of sibling love is all that is needed per day. Apple sauce, yogurt and oatmeal are his favorite foods and he still enjoys drinking kefir and almond milk along with water and the occasional taste of juice.

Β Β 
Β Β 

One Month of Winna


winna one month (1 of 1)-3

Welcome to the world, me. This first month of life has been pretty nice, albeit cold. I guess that’s what happens when you are born in January.. I was born two days late, which I hear surprised everyone. Sorry you missed the tax deduction, but I was just demonstrating my content, laid back temperament and felt no need to rush. It seems like a good thing that I waited until the new year too! Had I been born in December I would have to share my birthday month with my dad, uncle, AND Jesus as well as my parent’s anniversary and Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Now, I have a month of my very own!

winna one month (1 of 1)-4

I really am very laid back and mostly enjoy being held and eating. I am an eating champ and took to the boob like a moth to a flame, hence the quick weight gain I have experienced. No worries, I’m sure I will start crawling soon enough and work off some of the extra poundage. For now, I will take it as a compliment when people say that I am “healthy,” and enjoy the fact that I am so glamorous as to wear each newborn outfit only once.

winna one month (1 of 1)-2

My big brother welcomed me with kisses and smacks. Even though I am on my way to being bigger than him, he has the upper hand right now and has even sat on me! I’m a tough cookie though and don’t let his physical aggression bother me too much, I know that he loves me.



Mom has enjoyed having a girl to dress but someone has got to remind her that I need bows when we leave the house! The poor woman forgets almost every day, which I wouldn’t mind so much if I wasn’t bald.. On that note let’s ask why my brother was born with a full head of hair and I, a girl, nothing? One of the many questions I have yet to get answered about this new world. Maybe next month I will know..

winna one month (1 of 1)

At my one month check-up I weighed 11 lbs. (87%) (up from 7.6 birth weight) and was 21.8 inches long (65%).
At the end of my first month I am wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes and size one diapers.

Monthly Pax minute:

Mom says that even though it might not be fair, I have to update you on my big bro too. Second child problems..

Pax is 18 months old and talking up a storm! He knows my name and is always excited to see me! He is a great sleeper and an okay eater. We are still working with him on the whole veggie thing. At his 18 month appointment he weighed 24.7 lbs (40th %). He is wearing size 5 diapers and 18-24 month clothes.

winna one month (1 of 1)-5

winna one month (1 of 1)-6

New BeginningsΒ 


So much change has happened in the last couple of months. Winna apologizes for the lack of monthly postings and hopes to catch up soon! But in the meantime, I wanted to fill you all in on some exciting news! 

Elliot recently accepted a job as the director of worship at Sojourn Community Church J-Town campus. We are thrilled to finally be beginning this journey into ministry and feel very blessed that it is at such a great church that we have grown to love throughout the past three years here in Kentucky. 

Check out more about the church here:

And you can also check out Sojourn’s music on iTunes, spotify and pandora! 

Winna’s Birth Story



If you had told me I would have had a January baby during my pregnancy, I would have said you were crazy. Our due date was January 1st and Pax had come 10 days early so we were prepared for a Christmas baby. Well, Christmas came and went, no baby. New Years came and went and still, no baby. To say we were surprised (and maybe a little discouraged) is an understatement. Even though our little Win seemed comfortable where she was, our entire family decided to come anyway in hopes that she would arrive while they were here.

I had been having contractions for months but the one that I had on our way to church on Sunday seemed a bit more painful (11:15 am). I didn’t get my hopes up.. Then, during the 45 minute sermon I noticed 3 that were getting a bit more intense. I was still doubtful and didn’t want to tell the family as they might get excited. We had been on baby watch for so long and I had thought I was going into labor several times so I decided not to share what I thought was happening.  We all went to lunch and I had a few more that were uncomfortable and by the time we got home (around 2:30) I could tell that this was the real deal.

With Pax, my water broke the night before and then I was in intense labor for about 4 hours so I really didn’t know what to expect this time around. Our parents had made a grocery run and Elliot and our siblings decided to go get coffee while I put Pax down for a nap and so I had a few minutes to myself. I started timing the contractions, which were sporadic, and cleaning up since when you have a home birth people are in your home πŸ™‚ By the time Elliot got back (around 3:30) I was having to breathe through the contractions and we decided to call our midwife to give her the heads up. She said she would be over in about an hour. Our family decided they didn’t want to be anywhere near our apartment when the baby was actually born so everyone but Elliot and my mom headed out to find something to do for a few hours.

By around 4pm the contractions were coming every 2 minutes and they were about 30 seconds long. Painful but bearable. Our midwife arrived at around 5pm and checked me to see how far we had progressed, I was already 8 centimeters dilated! Talk about relief and excitement! I got into the tub and I must say, it reduced my pain by probably 50%. It was amazing. I had a few more contractions before I started feeling the urge to push. I probably pushed for four or five contractions before she was out (6:02)! She was put on my chest and we spent a while meeting our sweet Winna! It was an incredible experience, still very fast like Pax but so much more peaceful (I guess that is what happens when the trained professionals make it in time). I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and if I have more labors like this one, I will not be complaining. πŸ™‚

Sweet Winna, we are so excited you are finally here! What a blessing you have already been in such a short time. We can’t wait for all the sweet times to come!


Baby Bump Week 37/17 Months of Pax


Baby Lee is the size of a watermelon and boy can I feel it. Basically, we are ready for her to join us. I was dilated and effaced a bit as of a week ago and have had contractions off and on for a while. I am sore, tired all the time and get up 3-4 times a night. We have all of our birth supplies ready and are waiting in anticipation for this baby number 2! Can.not.wait!

37 weeks with Pax and now with baby girl!

While we are thrilled to welcome this new baby, I wanted to write a 17 month update on Pax. Even though it is not a giant milestone, I know that I will have trouble remembering what life was like with just him at this age and it is such a sweet, fun time worth remembering πŸ™‚ Feel free to read on even though these are more or less random, everyday happenings that are more for my memory than anything else.

Pax is so fun right now. Always moving, interested in everything and showing us everyday that he understands much more than we think he does. He is a clever problem solver and is the most interested in what is off limits (trash cans, toilet, desk, bookshelf). He loves opening things and wants everything to be opened for him if he can’t get it himself. This would include things like mascara tubes and food containers that he manages to find. He also loves filling cups and containers with his toys.

His main phrases/words are:
Water Bottle
All gone
Thank you
More Please

Pax can tell you where his nose and hair are. He also knows what it means to take a bath and gets very excited when it is suggested. He still bathes in the laundry basket and will carry it and place it in the tub and try to climb in. He doesn’t mind playing quietly for a little bit in the pack’n’play if I need to shower or get something done but really would rather be exploring.

His favorite foods are french fries (#momfail), oatmeal, yogurt, cheese (although recently not so much), cantaloupe, corn puffs, cereal, lasagna, chick-fil-a chicken nuggets (he loves to dip these and fries in ketchup), apple sauce, pouches, and veggie sticks. Hopefully we can all be healthier after the baby comes..

Pax LOVES Daddy and gets so excited when he comes home from work. Even when he wakes up, the first thing he does is see if Elliot is here. He sleeps amazingly well (a gift from God for this prego I’m sure) going to bed around 8 or 9 and waking up around 9 or 10. He also takes a solid two hour nap most days.

He weaned himself off of the bottle between 15 and 16 months and drinks mostly water out of hime camelbak or kefir/almond milk out if his sippy cups with a straw. Because of his allergies I decided to not give him cow’s milk which has not been a problem or burden at all. We will see in the Spring if his allergies are any better. He does however, love his paci more than ever and we have started brushing his 12 teeth (4 front top, 4 front bottom, 4 molars, one on each side).

He is such a cheerful, handsome, sweet boy. He will lay his head on you or plop down in your lap to read a book. He has never been super snuggly but will occasionally lay his head on my shoulder and let me hold him for a while (mostly in church or right after waking up). His hair is getting long but we aren’t sure what to do with it.. He is probably due for his first haircut but I love the way his hair curls in the back and combs over in the front.

He weighs around 25 pounds and has definitely grown but since we haven’t been to the doctor since his 12 month checkup I have no idea what his true stats are. He is wearing size 4 diapers (about to graduate to size 5) and mostly 18 month clothes. We are still doing cloth diapers most of the time at home and as far as bodily functions are concerned, all seems to be working well and consistently!

The tantrums are beginning which is certainly an interesting stage. Pax cries a lot if you take something away from him or tell him no and enforce it. We are trying not to react much and for the most part it isn’t too difficult to stick to our guns. We will see how it goes but we are definitely entering the discipline stage and will all be tested in patience. πŸ™‚

Paxon James, you are such a joy and we have more and more fun with you each day! We cannot wait to see you grow as an older brother and be a the fun-loving and joy-filled leader of your siblings that God has created you to be.